Savannah Wishart

Coaching Philosophy and Experience

Savannah specialises in supporting clients in maximising their potential across the full spectrum of their life. Founding the Primal Revolution in 2012, her work as a creative director has always reflected her lifestyle practices rooted in functional fitness, primal movement, and paleo nutrition. 

She believes that life is the ultimate creative project, supporting clients to design days filled with intention and purpose.

Starting with a strong physical foundation, her approach applies a magnifying glass to the big picture: stress management, breathwork, nutrition, communication, habits, goal setting, nervous system regulation, and mental health management. Transformation on the physical level sends ripples of change throughout our entire lives. Together we balance the masculine and feminine, striving for excellence while learning to love ourselves more through the process.

The Rad Stuff!

After spending most of the decade living in Europe, Savannah serves the PNW as the only licensed Unbeatable Mind coach in Bellingham, and applies her unique background of rucking and CrossFit to training clients to maximise their human potential. 

As a lifelong athlete, she has trained in CrossFit since 2009 and yoga since 2012. With an introduction to rucking in Sweden in 2019 (and completing a 19+ hour winter event), she began working with military veterans and active duty soldiers - inspired by Mark Divine to earn her CFL1 certification, Nordic Military Training certificate, and Unbeatable Mind certificate. 

When she’s not holding space for others to tap into their human potential, you’ll find her climbing mountains, creating delicious paleo recipes, pushing heavy weights around, mountain biking, and building brands devoted to human performance as a one-woman creative agency. She is training to be the first woman to complete a 48+ hour rucking event in Sweden. 

Let’s get started!